Healthier Pregnancy
No time like the present
A relaxed pregnancy
Why is it important to relax during pregnancy? Recent studies suggest that excessive stress, whether physical or emotional, can cause the body to produce hormones that may increase the likelihood of difficulties during pregnancy and delivery. Stress and anxiety can also have a negative impact on the fetus and may have long-term effects on the child, including hyperactivity.1
Easy for Pregnant Women
If you’ve tried a technique of meditation before and found it difficult or ineffective, you will find the TM technique refreshingly easy and simple. It doesn’t require clearing your mind of thoughts, focusing or being mindful. Practiced for 20 minutes sitting comfortably, the awareness effortlessly settles inward to quieter, more peaceful levels of the mind. The body simultaneously gains profound relaxation, deeper than ordinary rest or napping, as indicated by decreased stress hormones, improved cardiovascular health and more orderly coherent brain functioning.
Pregnancy is the perfect time to learn TM; after all, you are meditating for two.
Postpartum depression and meditation
The baby blues can be a part of new motherhood. Rapidly changing hormones, lack of sleep and the demands of parenting a new infant may play a role in postpartum depression. Stress can make depression worse. The practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique before, during and after pregnancy can reduce the stress of new motherhood, balance emotions and curb anxiety and depression.
Mothers can meditate anytime during the day, for example when babies are napping or children are at school. Making meditation a part of being a mother ensures that you are nurturing yourself so you can better care for your baby and family.
- Glover V. (1997) Maternal stress or anxiety in pregnancy and emotional development of the child. Brit J Psychiatry 171, 105-106.