See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


Is the World “Awake?”

Have you heard of panpsychism? It sounds mysterious or a little on the ugga bugga side, but, in fact, panpsychism is simply the view that all things have consciousness as their essential nature. The word “panpsychism” was coined by Francesco Patrizi, an Italian philosopher in the 16th century. The word itself is derived from the Greek: pan meaning all and psychic meaning soul or mind. Much of western philosophy is founded in the teachings of two of its fathers–Aristotle and Plato. As teachers in the Academy of Athens (which was founded by Plato at the end of the fourth


Originally posted August 31, 2015 The ‘Golden Years’ is an expression often used to describe retirement. Why? Well, it is that period of life filled with one of the most cherished and sought after resources

Meditation for Millennial Moms

In 2021, 2,000 women in the U.S. who were between the ages of 25 and 35 were surveyed about their health and wellness experiences. The response from 64% (three out of five women) showed a

Meditation and the Ideally Tranquil Journey into Motherhood

“A mother’s life is the expression of the creative power of nature.” – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Pregnancy, while often sweet and joyful, can also be a time of exhaustion and increased vulnerability. It is a

Hot off the Press: A Book that Can Change Your Life

Consciousness Is All There Is is a groundbreaking book that reveals how to simply and profoundly live a life worth living, finding within ourselves the fundamentals of happiness, good health, and fulfillment. According to Consciousness

Transcendental Meditation Improves Memory and Cognition

As our grandparents and then our parents get older, we may witness a decline in their cognitive abilities. A person fortunate enough to live a long life may remain sharp, but there is usually a

How to Find Bliss in Everyday Life

“Absolute bliss consciousness belongs to the depths of everyone’s heart.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi We all know what it feels like to have a peak experience, an abundance of joy, or even bliss or clarity that

For Women Who Play Pickleball

Do you play pickleball? Thinking about starting? Some people joke that it’s just a game for old people, but according to statistics, more than two thirds of keen pickleball players are between the ages of

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Spiritual Luminary and Scientist

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Spiritual Luminary and Scientist

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began his journey as a seeker of spiritual wisdom and blossomed into the status of a great spiritual leader, foremost Vedic scholar, and scientist of consciousness. After earning a degree in physics

A Psychologist Talks About How TM Differs from Mindfulness: An Interview with Dr. Anne-Marie Lepore

Anne-Marie Lepore PhD is a New York State licensed psychologist and neuropsychologist who specializes in treating people with neurological conditions and in trauma-informed therapy. She is also a professional coach for “helping professionals,” assisting them

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