Transcendental Meditation for Pilates Teachers
Pilates instructors come from many different backgrounds and represent a range of ages and body-types. More than 90 percent of you are women. One thing you all have in common, besides your conviction of the benefits of pilates training, is a desire to help other people.
You’ve learned the critical skills that enable you to observe your clients, assess patterns and habits, structure a personal program for them, and instruct them. However, relationship skills–including patience and compassion–as well as unflagging energy, precision of observation, and efficiency in teaching are also needed to maximize your performance and your clients’ comfort and progress.
As a Pilates teacher, you’re subjected to the emotions of clients who are going through some physical suffering. Developing resilience can assure you of not getting secondhand stress.
Your best preparation
The Transcendental Meditation technique is key to attaining career success and fulfillment in all aspects of life. During the TM technique, the mind becomes more integrated, clear and awake. The body gets profound rest that dissolves deeply rooted fatigue and stress. In this way, the Transcendental Meditation program prepares you mentally and physically to engage with your clients–it makes the mind clearer and more adaptable so thinking is fluid. Your awareness and sensory perception will be subtler. You develop better field awareness, so you can more easily observe several clients at the same time and still be able to pick up on every little thing.
If you are alert to their mistakes, you can help your clients make physical progress faster and gain success in Pilates. The key to retaining clients is their sense of progress with their practice and achievement of results.
Nobody wants to be in this intimate environment with a stressed, impatient, or tired teacher. Whatever is happening in your personal life, the Transcendental Meditation technique will renew and refresh you mentally and physically so that you can be present and uplifting at work. It will also decrease your stress and fatigue, allowing for resilience to develop, after the day’s work. If you can take a break in the afternoon, the TM technique will revitalize you, enabling you to work more effectively with clients afterward.

TM keeps me vital and gives me much more mental clarity so that I don’t miss a trick, helping my clients progress faster. When I meditate in the morning, I feel stronger, aware, and resilient, so I find that I can help clients succeed. We give so much—the work can be absolutely exhausting emotionally, mentally and physically–but the TM technique refreshes me after teaching.
Jade Davis
Founder, Vitalbody Pilates; BSc Physiology & Health Sciences; Dip. Dance for Professional Theatre; TTC Pilates Matwork & Studio; Body Control Pilates Association; TTC Clinical Pilates: Australian Physical Therapy and Pilates Institute, Master Teacher.
Over 30 years of practicing TM and teaching Pilates, TM has allowed me to become centered and grounded within myself. I feel agile and creative–able to fluidly meet the client’s needs and create success within themselves. The practice of TM also cultivated a refined feeling level so that my communication style with my clients is compassionate yet effective, supportive and empowering.