Mini Magazines

February 2025
Dear Friend,
Annually, February is acknowledged as American Heart Month, inspiring organizations that are capable of averting heart attack and stroke to raise awareness about heart disease, its risk factors and means of prevention. TM for Women is dedicated whole heartedly to the well-being of girls and women, and so, in this light, we dedicate this issue to all-things-heart.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- The meeting of two hearts
- Motherly love
- Meta-analysis on TM and PTSD published in the journal Medicina
- Unrestricted love: getting to the heart of the matter
- Q&A: What’s the relationship of TM, depression and heart health?
- What women say: Everyone wants to be closer to you
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January 2025
Dear Friend,
The beginning of a New Year can be the inspiration for positive change. As the wise Dr. Seuss wrote:
You’ll never get bored when you try something new.
There’s really no limit to what you can do.
With the Transcendental Meditation technique to support our evolution on a daily basis, the growth of consciousness—of joy, intelligence, love, and profound peace—has no limit.
Welcome to 2025.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- TM meditator and Grammy nominee Chandrika Tandon performs at MIU
- New Book: SuperHabits for Success
- New radio station: Vedic technology promotes harmony in Ukraine, Russia and Middle East
- Q&A: What is pure consciousness
- What women say: “It’s already made my life waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.”

December 2024
Dear Friend,
The year 2024 winds down this month with many holidays and celebrations. December is a month to open our hearts and share our appreciation of the good in the world around us—to honor, respect, love, and uplift all living things. Let’s end the year by developing harmony within ourselves and, through ourselves, within our world family.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- Giving: How small acts create lasting change
- Join us for women’s online group meditations
- Good Health Through Prevention: women’s 17-meeting online course
- Q&A: How do I keep my resolutions in 2025
- What women say: “valuable lifelong tool”

November 2024
Dear Friend,
November has come round once more, with its drifts of fallen golden leaves. Amid the tumult of the upcoming election and the challenges of harsh weather, we can find within ourselves cause for peace, joy, and gratitude.
We are pleased to send you our November issue, including:
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- TM brings fulfillment to the International Day of the Girl
- The TM program for Survivors of Military Sexual Misconduct
- Honoring Amy Ruff and welcoming the new national director of TM for Nurses
- Q&A: What is the evolutionary force and how does it support our growth?
- What women say: “like a life raft thrown out to me”

October 2024
Dear Friend,
We hope you will enjoy and share our October mini-magazine in the refreshing days of early Autumn. In this issue:
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- Stress and the November elections
- Transcendental Meditation for Women Abroad: Programs in Canada and Zimbabwe
- Dr. Candace Badgett addresses the World Association of Vedic Studies Conference
- Q&A: What gives the TM technique its potential for positive change?
- What women say: More than I would have imagined….

September 2024
Dear Friend,
We hope you enjoy and share our September mini-magazine, which features the theme of the realization of the Self and the exploration of its potential to enhance life.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- New study published: TM enriches nurses’ ability to care for self and others
- Ties to the Universe online women’s course starts September
- Top research award by the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Profession
- Q&A: How does one gain spiritual freedom or liberation?
- What women say: Something quite extraordinary happens

August 2024
The golden days of August stretch out ahead of us, allowing us to linger for a while more in Summertime pleasures. Meanwhile, certified TM teachers have been busy promoting well-being in communities of women around the world. Read on….
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- New Study Shows TM Empowers Impoverished Ugandan Female Youth
- Monthly Gandharva Veda music concerts
- 20,000 Indian women learn TM in remote villages
- Q&A: On Enriching Friendships
- What women say: Now I love everyone

July 2024
Here’s to delighting in the hazy lazy days of July, from your first blissful bite of a juicy strawberry to that long-awaited chance to lie in the hammock and read a great book. Be sure your Summer to-do list includes the deepest relaxation you can get: TM® twice a day. 🌞
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- American Holistic Nurses Association Features Presentation on TM for Nurses
- Beach reading: Celebrities we love to quote talk about Transcendental Meditation®
- Take the TM course and learn about consciousness in our six-night women’s retreat
- Online course: deep principles that connect each of us to the universe
- Q&A: At what age do we stop giving our children advice?
- What women say: overcoming fear and becoming happy again

June 2024
In the northern hemisphere, June means Summer is on the horizon with a promise of bright sunny days and nature in bloom. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote “…I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” This Summer, we can refresh our emotions, perceptions and behavior twice daily with the TM technique by tapping into inner Being and emerging renewed.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- Learn TM in residence: women’s retreats to awaken consciousness
- With some help from AI: Introducing our Video Shorts page
- Maharishi Ayurveda course on self-care and good health through prevention
- Q&A: How can the TM practice change one’s self image
- What women say: “It brings wisdom and healing.”

May 2024
National awareness campaigns are abundant in the month of May each year. Among other areas of focus, May is host to National Women’s Health Week and National Nurses Week. TM for Women celebrates and helps to fulfill the goals of this years’ focuses on nurses’ health and mental health during pregnancy.
- Last month’s blog written by women for women
- Articles
- American Holistic Nurses Association interviews TM for Nurses researchers
- Sanctuary of calm for expecting and new moms
- Q&A: What is the ultimate goal of the TM technique?
- What women say: An obstetrician’s perspective on TM for all women