The Transcendental Meditation Technique: Help for the Bullied

As we know, bullying is not just something that children and teens might have to deal with. Adult bullying is a very real issue.
Unlike with children, adult bullying can include giving “the silent treatment”, publicly belittling or humiliating someone, social ostracism or undermining. Being bullied can affect your ability to focus and function effectively and create a toxic environment where those being bullied must focus on self-preservation.
Fear of difference is sometimes what motivates bullying. Often, bullying is a learned behavior and can be unlearned. Sometimes shaming and bullying is part of the perpetrator’s need to fit in with the perpetrating crowd because he or she has low self-esteem. Sometimes we even bully ourselves if we feel ashamed.
The usual helpful advice:
- practice good self-care – by eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and engaging in stress-relieving activities such as yoga and journaling.
- Try to limit your exposure to a bully
- don’t react—bullies live for the reaction. Instead, listen carefully and respond as the voice of reason. Answer to what they say—not to their tone of voice.
- Get support from co-workers and friends.
- Pick and choose your battles.
An evidence-based effective option:
Since adult bullying has been brought to everyone’s awareness and is an issue that needs to be addressed, there is a lot of advice, both online and by way of help from experts. But there is also a simple technique that so many have found helpful by providing them with the resilience to deal with this undermining behavior.
The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, effortless to do and easy to learn, has been documented by published research to help avert and/or recover from damage created by being bullied… more effectively than through other meditation practices.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the result of repeated trauma, including from being bullied. The TM program reduces the root and symptoms of PTSD more successfully than commonly offered programs of therapy and meditation.

“TM helps me take care of myself: it helps me feel centered and be in touch with myself and my feelings in a world that sometimes seems to insist that we feel otherwise.”
Anger, depression, anxiety, confusion, and fatigue are significantly reduced through the TM practice. Self-esteem and resilience improve.
“I didn’t know that so much of my stress and depression came from being bullied by my female friends and co-workers. When I began practicing Transcendental Meditation and started feeling stronger, resilient and more self-confident I was amazed. It was so easy.”
The TM technique has been taught to veterans, victims of domestic abuse, and victims of war with considerable scientifically validated results. Having been bullied does not have to indefinitely impact your life and happiness.
Further relevant research:
Kniffki C. Transzendentale Meditation und Autogenes Training—ein Vergleich. In series Geist und Psyche. Munich: Kindler Verlag, 1979. The practice of the TM technique was found to result in cumulative benefits for psychological health. By comparison, the effects of Autogenic Training, were, in general, less substantial and not sustained. Reduction in Nervousness, Depression, Increased Self-Confidence. Meta-analyses have found that the Transcendental Meditation program is superior to ordinary rest; that it is more effective in reducing anxiety than other meditation and relaxation techniques; more effective in increasing self-actualization than other meditation and relaxation techniques; and more effective in reducing drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and cigarette use than other standard treatments.
Effects of Transcendental Meditation on self-identity indices and personality.
British Journal of Psychology 1982 73:57-69 The practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique was found to result in a stronger self-identity.
Effect of meditation on psychological distress and brain functioning: A randomized controlled study. Brain and Cognition 125 (2018) 100-105. Results: At posttest, TM participants significantly decreased on the POMS Total Mood Disturbance and anxiety, anger, depression, fatigue, and confusion subscales, and significantly increased in the POMS vigor subscale.
Restore Your Well-Being: Contact a Certified TM Teacher Near You
About the Author
Maribeth Flood M.S. RN, ARNP, PMHNP-BC is a counselor in Olympia, Washington.