The Science of Creative Intelligence

The Transcendental Meditation technique is the practical aspect of the Science of Creative Intelligence. What is creative intelligence, and what is the science of creative intelligence?
When we look around us in nature, we see that everything is made up of energy and that the energy expresses itself in intelligent, orderly, creative ways. For example, we see intelligence and energy in the way the planets revolve around the sun and the way the electrons are structured around the nucleus of an atom. Our bodies are an extraordinary example of nature’s functioning. We didn’t know how to grow ourselves from an embryo to an infant to a child to an adult. We can’t begin to remember to keep our hearts beating, our brains functioning in an orderly way, our digestion effective, our lungs pumping and so much more—nature does this all for us through its ceaseless display of intelligence, energy and creativity. We see that that there are coherent efficient systems and cycles throughout nature, from the microcosm to the macrocosm.
From where does this orderliness, intelligence, energy and creativity in the universe derive?
Modern physics tells us that the whole physical universe emerges from a single underlying field. Scientists call this the unified field; it gives rise to everything—all diversity in the universe—in a systematic way. As I understand it, unified field physicists describe this field as being self-sufficient—it creates from within itself—and all matter is made of this unified field.
From the perspective of Maharishi, the founder of the Science of Creative Intelligence and the Transcendental Meditation program, this creative process, with its foundation in the unified field, is also the creative process of consciousness within every individual. Creative intelligence is the nature of consciousness.
Every individual has, and expresses, creative intelligence. We know our minds have impulses of energy that take a direction–that lead us to action. The whole process starts with just a creative impulse inside –something we want to do. That impulse takes a direction and becomes more concrete. It expresses itself in a specific way leading to speech and activity, which in turn become the means to fulfill a desire.
For example, something stirs the awareness of a painter—either an impulse from within her own consciousness or some stimulus from her environment that resonates in her consciousness. That stirring gives her a direction, and when it is concretely developed then it is sufficient to extend into the field of action. She might have the impulse to draw a beautiful sunset and then she will think about oils or pastels or watercolors and take this angle or that angle and then pick up the brush and begin. If the impulse in her mind isn’t clear, or the thoughts are confused by stress, or fatigue gets in the way of taking action, then she will find her impulse unfulfilled. If her consciousness is unbounded and her nervous system is free of stress and fatigue, her process will be unthwarted, joyful and fulfilling.
The Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) explores and explains how energy, intelligence and creativity manifest–get expressed–from the field of silent consciousness, which is the unified field, in the individual and in the universe.
SCI is the systematic study of the source, course and goal of life. It is an intellectual examination, but it is personally verifiable by every individual in the mechanics of her own awareness when she experiences the transcending process during the TM technique. The result of this daily repeated experience is that the mind becomes increasingly more saturated with creative intelligence and then reflects that increased potential in every thought, word and deed. This is how growth and the fulfillment of desires take place. Published research shows that TM meditators enjoy increased dynamism, creativity, intelligence, alertness, and achievement. We can enjoy a more fulfilling life by taking recourse to the science of creative intelligence through its practical application in the technique of Transcendental Meditation.
About the Author
Lesley Goldman is the retired director of a non-profit educational organization.