Many women feel their creative spirit is consumed by tiredness, worries, anxiety, and stress.
During twice-daily TM practice, the mind settles inward and transcends busy or agitated levels of thinking and leading to profound relaxation which refreshes mind, body, and spirit, while reducing stress and fatigue that block creative expression.
Twice-daily TM practice promotes energy, spontaneity, originality, and freedom of expression.
Those practicing the TM technique showed greater participation of the whole brain in response to a stimulus. Human Physiology 25: 171-180, 1999.
A longitudinal study of Cornell University undergraduates published in The Journal of Creative Behavior indicates that individuals who learned Transcendental Meditation showed increased creativity in comparison to controls, as measured by a higher level of originality when measured after five months of the TM practice. The TM group evidenced significantly higher scores on 2 of the 6 Torrance tests (Figurative Flexibility and Originality).
Many women feel their creative spirit is consumed by tiredness, worries, anxiety, and stress.
During twice-daily TM practice, the mind settles inward and transcends busy or agitated levels of thinking and leading to profound relaxation which refreshes mind, body, and spirit, while reducing stress and fatigue that block creative expression.
Twice-daily TM practice promotes energy, spontaneity, originality, and freedom of expression.
Those practicing the TM technique showed greater participation of the whole brain in response to a stimulus. Human Physiology 25: 171-180, 1999.
A longitudinal study of Cornell University undergraduates published in The Journal of Creative Behavior indicates that individuals who learned Transcendental Meditation showed increased creativity in comparison to controls, as measured by a higher level of originality when measured after five months of the TM practice. The TM group evidenced significantly higher scores on 2 of the 6 Torrance tests (Figurative Flexibility and Originality).