July 2023
Dear Friend,
We hope you enjoy our July Mini Magazine.
- Blog posts from June written by women for women
- Articles
- Newly published research on TM for nurses
- Women’s heart health expert awarded MIU doctorate at Commencement
- TM “Yoga Hour Plus” for women who practice the TM technique
- Q&A: How can you achieve work/life balance
- What women say: Celebrity lineup

In case you haven’t read them yet, here are the articles that were posted on our blog in June:
The Role of Meditation in a Healthy Pregnancy

I remember pregnancy as a happy, exciting time but also as a time of unexpected physical and emotional trials. I was fortunate to have access to the Transcendental Meditation technique during my pregnancies and want to share that blessing with other expectant women.
Taming the Wild West: The Effect of Transcendental Meditation on Adult ADHD

In the May 2023 issue of The Atlantic, an article called “Adult ADHD Is the Wild West of Psychiatry” stated:“Nearly 5 percent of adults are thought to have the disorder, but less than 20 percent of them have been diagnosed or have received treatment (compared with about 77 percent of children)….

New Evidence of Verified TM Benefits for Nursing Professionals
Canadian pioneering researcher Dr. Aquino-Russell has been the driving force and co-author of four unique publications on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for nurses and nursing students.
The latest published research with the TM technique included 20 undergraduate nursing students and three nursing instructors. Thematic analysis was utilized for written descriptions, uncovering major themes that described participants’ experiences when practicing TM and the resulting positive impact on their lives for managing stress and enhancing productivity, vitality, sleep, insight, performance, and relationships. http://www.ajqr.org
Reference: Aquino-Russell, C., Aldiabat, K., & Alsrayheen, E. (2023). Experiences of advanced standing program nursing students and instructors practicing Transcendental Meditation. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 7(3), 32-48. https://doi.org/10.29333/ajqr/13239 © 2023 AJQR.
See our interview with Dr. Aquino-Russell and learn about her emphasis on qualitative research, especially descriptive phenomenology, to be posted on our website blog on July 26th.

MIU 2023 Commencement Speaker Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum
Through her participation in our organization through interviews, videos, and presentations, Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum has helped TM for Women inspire American women to learn the TM technique to improve their heart health and reduce risk factors for heart disease. She emphasizes the unique ability of the Transcendental Meditation technique in supporting women’s health. We are delighted to report that she delivered the Commencement address at Maharishi International University on June 24th where she was awarded an honorary doctorate.
More about Dr. Steinbaum: Her record as a foremost expert in this field included being the director of Women’s Heart Health at the Heart and Vascular Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital, a nationally ranked research and academic medical center in New York City. She is a national spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women initiative, promoting women’s heart health awareness. Dr. Steinbaum has been a board director of the American Heart Association in New York, and hosts a weekly news show, “Focus on Health.” Past media appearances include ABC News, Good Morning America, NBC, CNN, CBS News, and Inside Edition.
Watch Dr. Steinbaum talk about TM: Navigate to our videos page.

Offering a New Program Online: TM/Yoga Hour PLUS
If you have already learned the TM technique, performing a set of yoga postures prior to meditation can enhance the clarity of your meditation experience.
The TM Yoga Hour is the perfect blend of guided Maharishi YogaSM Asanas (gentle stretching positions) and pranayama (a soothing, settling breathing practice) in preparation for 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation practice, followed by rest. Stay connected with us on Zoom afterward for 45 minutes of curated discussion on the development of higher states of consciousness.
Interested? Contact Bev at bhanger@tm-women.org

Q: How does learning the Transcendental Meditation technique help me attain work/life balance?
During the TM technique, the mind experiences a field of peace and happiness – its own deepest nature. This carries over into daily life, bringing inner confidence, stability, and joy along with the ability to be more spontaneous, tolerant, and intimate with others. The TM practice before work in the morning has been shown by published studies to:
- Increase Intelligence and Creativity
- Increase Efficiency and Productivity
- Improve Problem-Solving Ability
- Reduce Worksite Stress
- Improve Leadership Development
- Improve Physiological Stability During Task Performance
- Increase Self-Confidence and Self-Actualization
- Improve Verbal and Analytical Thinking, Synthetic and Holistic Thinking
Meditating after work helps you recover from the stress of the day so that you can truly enjoy your personal life and bring more to your relationships each evening. Working mothers report that the increased creativity and efficiency from daily TM practice help them find the extra energy and capacity to meet the needs of a family.
Watch a wonderful six-minute discussion on success in work/life balance by Arianna Huffington and Patricia Harrison, president and chief executive officer of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, at https://vimeo.com/showcase/5870579/video/315528395

Notable talented successful women line up to share with us why they love the Transcendental Meditation technique:

Brazilian actress and model Rebecca da Costa:
“TM helps me a lot. It’s the most researched meditation out there…. It helps me to stay focused and calm…it’s very easy and anyone can do it. It has been a gift to me.”

Bollywood actress / producer Anushka Sharma commenting on the TM technique:
“Meditation works wonders for me when it comes to beating stress… It has a calming effect which translates into better health.”

Singer, songwriter, business professional, and philanthropist Katy Perry told Prevention:
“It clears my head completely. And it ignites something in my brain. I get some of my best creative ideas when I’m TMing. For me, TM has been anxiety-reducing, depression-reducing, great for jet lag, hangovers, mood swings. Anytime I’m in a funky mood, I’m like, ‘give me 20 minutes.'”
Editor’s note: We’d love to hear your comments on the benefits you’ve received from the TM practice. And, with your permission, we’ll publish them here for other women to enjoy. Send your comment to info@tm-women.org