August 2023
Dear Friend,
We are pleased to send you our August issue of the monthly mini magazine. As always, you’re invited to share this email with your friends.
- Last month’s blog posts for women by women
- Articles
- Be prepared: Recharge your brain this Summer
- New study published on mental health and wellbeing
- Courses and events offered by TM for Women
- What Women Say: Senior correspondent for NBC comments on TM

In case you missed them, below are links to our two July articles. To check out previous posts on a broad range of topics from Why We Love to Shop to How to Help an Emotional Teenager visit our blog page’s archives and its search tool.
This Summer, Let TM for Women be Your Travel Guide to the Ultimate Stay-cation

Why do people go on vacation? To get out of their tiresome daily routine, to experience something new, to relax? The Transcendental Meditation technique is a way to take a break from our pursuits and passions and responsibilities for 20 minutes twice a day by allowing our attention to travel inward.

An Interview with Research Pioneer Dr. Catherine Aquino-Russell, RN, MN, PhD
Canadian researcher Dr. Aquino-Russell has been the driving force and co-author of four unique publications on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for nurses and nursing students.

Recharge Your Brain Now to Greet the School Year

“The TM technique helps students overcome stress and reverses its negative effects on the brain. TM activates the brain’s prefrontal areas, which are responsible for planning, foresight and decision making.”
Fred Travis, Brain Researcher
Research published in the journal Education (Vol. 133, No. 4) shows that the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique is associated with as much as 25% higher graduation rates, compared to those not practicing TM. The study’s lead author, Robert D. Colbert, Ph.D., director of Neag School of Education’s Diversity Council at the University of Connecticut, commented:
“Students need to be provided with value-added educational programs that can provide opportunities for school success. Our study investigated one such program, Transcendental Meditation, which appears to hold tremendous promise for enriching the lives of our nation’s students.”
Learning TM this Summer, ahead of the school term, is accomplished within a few hours over four days in an easy course of instruction (that nobody can fail!). Once a student returns to their class routine, the TM technique is easy for students to fit into their day.
Transcendental Meditation has long-range cumulative benefits, but it also has immediate benefits—which impatient young people really appreciate! After they meditate, students feel relaxed and rejuvenated and they experience greater clarity of mind. They experience stress, fatigue, and anxiety progressively decreasing over time while focus and self-esteem grow.
Live EEG Demo and Interview: TM Optimizes Brain Function
To read more about the Transcendental Meditation program for young women and teens, click here.

Study Published in Plos One Demonstrates TM’s Significant, Rapid Benefits
A peer-reviewed published study conducted at three South Florida hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that the Transcendental Meditation technique reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout and increases wellness.
A total of 65 frontline healthcare providers at the three hospitals were instructed in the TM technique which they practiced at home for 20 minutes twice a day. Results were measured at the start to give baseline data, at two weeks, and at one and three months.
At just two weeks, symptoms of somatization, depression, and anxiety in the TM group were reduced by 45%, and insomnia, emotional exhaustion, and well-being improved by 33%, 16%, and 11% respectively.
At three months the TM group showed an 18% improvement in wellbeing as well as reductions of:
- 62% in anxiety
- 58% in somatization
- 50% in depression
- 44% in insomnia
- 40% in emotional exhaustion
- And 42% in depersonalization.
This research confirmed that the TM practice provides “dramatic and rapid” benefits and demonstrated its positive psychological impact on healthcare professionals in a high-stress setting.

What TM for Women Offers
For those interested in learning Transcendental Meditation:
- Click here to watch our 30-minute online free introductory presentation and then call us at (800) 635-7173 to ask your questions or to schedule the next step.
- Instruction in the TM technique and lifetime follow-up program
- The TM flipbook: Our exclusive e-version highlights the ins and outs of TM from this fun-to-read best-selling book that has sold more than one million copies worldwide.
- In-depth information on the Transcendental Meditation program and women’s heart health. Visit Women’s Heart Health
For women who practice the Transcendental Meditation technique:
- Weekly online TM group meditations on Zoom every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 pm Pacific, 4:05 pm Mountain, 5:05 pm Central, 6:05 pm Eastern. Participate as often as you wish. To register, email
- The TM Yoga Hour PLUS (held every other month) is the perfect blend of guided Maharishi YogaSM Asanas (gentle stretching positions) and pranayama (a soothing, settling breathing practice) in preparation for 20 minutes of Transcendental Meditation practice, followed by rest. Stay connected with us on Zoom afterward for 45 minutes of curated discussion on the development of higher states of consciousness. Interested? Click here to register
- A half-day online retreat that allows you to devote several hours to your own self-care, gaining deep relaxation to dissolve deep-rooted stress and awakening deeper, more fulfilling values of your own inner Being. For more information and to register, contact
For graduates of the TM-Sidhi program:
World Peace Assemblies are held in The Raj Manor in Maharishi Vedic City, near the MIU campus in Fairfield, Iowa. Our courses are held in a beautiful set of recently renovated rooms in a quiet vastu building fronting a pond. Contact for a schedule of future courses.
For all women and girls:
Monthly Full Moon Gandharva Music Concerts. For a schedule of upcoming concerts and to register, click here.
For a complete list of our programs, visit

Cynthia McFadden is a television journalist and senior legal and investigative correspondent for NBC News. She has a hectic schedule and had worried if she could learn TM and do it correctly. But she has found it easy to practice and said, “TM is something you do for yourself. It has helped me be more effective in the things I most care about. It (creates) a strange combo platter of both energy and calm.”
Editor’s note: We’d love to hear your comments on the benefits you’ve received from the TM practice. And, with your permission, we’ll publish them here for other women to enjoy. Send your comment to