Mini Magazines

July 2023
This issue of our mini-magazine features today’s nourishers and caregivers and the nurturing nature of life itself.
- Blog posts from June written by women for women
- Articles
- Newly published research on TM for nurses
- Women’s heart health expert awarded MIU doctorate at Commencement
- TM “Yoga Hour Plus” for women who practice the TM technique
- Q&A: How can you achieve work/life balance
- What women say: Celebrity lineup
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June 2023
This issue of our mini-magazine features today’s nourishers and caregivers and the nurturing nature of life itself.
- Last month’s blog posts by women for women
- TM for Women Abroad
- Good news for Canada’s survivors of military sexual trauma
- New study on TM for Australian women affected by domestic violence
- TM can help new mothers survive
- What is Maharishi Gandharva Veda? Description, scientific findings, upcoming concerts
- What women say: A cardiologist on what today’s women need to feel complete

May 2023
This issue of our mini-magazine features today’s nourishers and caregivers and the nurturing nature of life itself.
- Last month’s blog posts by women for women
- Game Changer for Women; Why we teach women (video 6 min)
- National Nurses Week is May 6-12: Supporting those who give
- Mother’s Day is May 14th: Mothers of humanity
- Springtime and Consciousness: nature’s potential to grow
- What women say: Dr. Jennifer Ashton’s prescriptions

April 2023
We are pleased to send you our April mini magazine to enjoy and share with friends. This issue focuses on the impact of the Transcendental Meditation technique on women’s careers.
- Last month’s blog posts by women for women
- New study shows TM reduces burnout in frontline health providers
- A TM course for Vero Beach preschool teachers
- How the TM practice supports women in 10 career paths
- Q&A: how does TM affect on-ramping after a job leave
- What women say: intuition and creativity in interior design

March 2023
March officially became known as “Women’s History Month” in 1987. “International Women’s Day” is observed on March 8th. These are internationally or nationally recognized occasions to celebrate the contributions of women, but they don’t preclude our ability to celebrate, nourish, and assist women every day of every month through the development of their full potential in consciousness.

February 2023
In this issue:
- Blog posts from last month written by women for women
- Articles
- Heart 101
- what puts you at risk for heart disease
- Gender-based differences in hearts and heart disease
- Relationships from a full heart
- Most recent published research on TM and heart health
- What women say: Cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum’s message

January 2023
In this issue:
- Blog posts from December written by women for women
- Articles
- New Year’s resolutions: planting seeds
- Brain wave coherence and exceptional performance
- TM Abroad: South Sudanese refugees in Kenya learn TM
- What women say: a doctor who specializes in women’s health

December 2022
In this issue:
- Blog posts from October written by women for women
- Articles
- TM in the news
- TM for Nurses meets success at top-tier conference
- November 11th is Veterans Day—women veterans share
- Q&A: How is TM’s reduction of ADHD expressed in the brain
- What women say: an Armenian woman confides her wishes for peace

November 2022
In this issue:
- Blog posts from October written by women for women
- Articles
- TM in the news
- TM for Nurses meets success at top-tier conference
- November 11th is Veterans Day—women veterans share
- Q&A: How is TM’s reduction of ADHD expressed in the brain
- What women say: an Armenian woman confides her wishes for peace

October 2022
In this issue:
- New blog search features and last month’s posts for women by women
- TM abroad, featuring Tanzanian and Ugandan courses for women
- Ten outstanding achievements by TM for Nurses
- Q&A: What is enlightenment and how does the TM practice achieve it?
- What women say: TM benefits women students