Posts By Linda Egenes

Why Self-Love is Not Selfish
I recently saw the documentary on the life and work of Mr. Rogers, the children’s Public TV host and child advocate. After watching Won’t You Be My Neighbor, it’s hard […]

Transcendental Meditation Empowers Vulnerable Women in Uganda—Stories and Research
Uganda is not an easy place to be a mother. Most of the nation’s illiterate and chronically poor are women, and in urban centers such as the capital city of […]

Creating Peace in Lebanon: One Woman’s Story
Inner peace is not just something that Susan Hamza talks about—it’s something she lives on a daily basis. “When I meditate I feel a sense of peace, a total absence […]

Can Meditation Prevent School Violence?
Water doesn’t instantly boil over. There’s a long process in which the water heats up, gets warmer and warmer, and eventually reaches the boiling point. That’s true of any transition […]

Women Waging Peace in the Mideast
As formal peace talks hover at ground zero in the Middle East, the region’s women are joining hands in more personal ways. For instance, a group called Women Wage Peace […]

Finding Calm in a Conflict Zone
Living in an occupied country takes its toll. Basma Abu Sway, an Arab living in Palestinian Jerusalem, describes the mounting tensions in her community and country. “When you walk in […]

Are you TATT (Tired All the Time)? Fatigue, Addiction, and the Transcendental Meditation Technique
You may think it’s a long stretch between feeling tired and getting addicted to an amphetamine. Or a sleep medication. Or an afternoon cocktail. Yet those addictions can start with […]

New Hope for Alzheimer’s Prevention: TM, the Brain, and Dr. Dale Bredesen’s Remarkable Discovery
Probably the most challenging moment of my life took place in January 2009, when both of my parents were diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer’s kind on the same day. […]

Some Time for Yourself with TM: An Interview with Alexis Parnell, Certified Health Coach
Alexis Parnell is passionate about empowering women in mind, body and spirit. A registered nurse and former family nurse practitioner, she first turned to holistic health solutions for herself and […]

Listening to Your Creative Voice: A Talk with Author Amanda Truscott
Amanda Truscott is a Canadian author, blogger, and writing coach who has recently published her first book, Creative Unblocking: Bypass Self-Doubt, Tap Your Genius, and Complete Your Best Work. The […]