See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


A Beginner’s Candid Interview About TM

Reprinted from April 2022 As a long-time Transcendental Meditation teacher, it is clarifying to get a fresh perspective on the TM program. I spoke with a woman who was very recently instructed in the TM technique in order to get a vision of one young woman’s expectations, hopes, and experiences when she starts exploring the development of consciousness. Kim, a charming, refreshingly honest, sensitive, and intelligent young woman talked with me about her past, her hopes, and how the TM technique fits into the trajectory of her ideals and goals. Q- Kim, thank you for

New Report Focuses on Women’s Risks for Stroke

I was happy to see that there was a recent increased focus on women and their risk of stroke, as gender is a factor that can significantly affect risk, prevention, treatment and compliance.  A stroke

How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected Amid December Celebrations

It’s almost Christmas. Or perhaps you celebrate Gita Jayanti? Observe Ashura? Revel on Krampus Night? Mark St. Nicholas Day? Commemorate Bodhi Day? Honor St. Lucia? What about Chanukah? And Zartosht no-diso? Kwanzaa? Truly December marks

Transcending the Stereotype of the Woman Driver

A commonly held stereotype is that women are poor drivers. Two experiments have confirmed that women made twice as many driving mistakes after hearing that cliché! All women who had heard of the stereotype expected

The Transcendental Meditation Program for Single Mothers in Vancouver, BC

Offering Support for Low Income Single Mother’s Through theYWCA Single-parent families accounted for 28.2 percent of all Canadian households in 2021. For the first time, it is the most common type of household in Canada,

Next President of the United States

(excerpted and adapted from our blog post of March 3, 2014) Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: Before he enters on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:–“I

Enlightenment: Life Free From Suffering

This interview of Maharishi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, is excerpted from Robert Oates’ book Celebrating the Dawn, originally published in 1976 by G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. Q: What’s the goal of Transcendental

The Gardener’s Guide to Effective Meditation

As any serious gardener can tell you, there are a lot of parallels between the principles of gardening and life in general. By getting your hands in that soil, cultivating and watching your garden grow,

Relax! How to Calm Down Successfully

Never in the history of calming down has anyone calmed down by being told to calm down. Do you tend to be high strung, stressed, anxious, over wrought, or tightly wound? Do people tell you

Relationship of Transcendental Meditation and Yoga: A 1965 Interview With Maharishi

Q:  Maharishi, do your teachings or beliefs bear any relation at all to yoga? Oh yes, of course. Essentially, it is yoga. It is the mind which is brought to the field of being, the

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