Improving mental performance

Want a calm mind, collected mind?

Brain Waves and Meditation

Neuroscientists have found that during TM practice, the brain produces high-power alpha waves. This distinct brain pattern corresponds to the state of relaxed inner wakefulness—serenity, expansion and bliss. When the alpha waves become synchronous, the seat of the brain’s executive judgement is strengthened.

A Healthier Brain

When the brain is more coherent and integrated, all the different parts communicate better, working together better as a whole. This is the basis of improved mental performance—better memory, increased creativity, broader comprehension and sharper focus. 

No other meditation technique has been found to consistently produce alpha coherence throughout the brain. Researchers have found that the experience of “transcending” restores neurological balance, inner silence, and clarity of mind. (ref: Cognitive Processing, 2010) 


Want a calm mind, collected mind?

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