See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


The Art of Being Silent

Herman Melville wrote, “All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence.”  Why silence? A 2013 study on mice published in the journal Brain, Structure and Function, revealed the effect silence

Why Businesswomen Need to Learn Transcendental Meditation

Whether you are an Oprah Winfrey fan or not, you’ve got to have high regard for the remarkable success of this businesswoman, entrepreneur, publisher, media star and philanthropist. She’s intuitive, farsighted and practical—and that’s why

From the Streets to College in Four Months: The Communiversity of South Africa Empowers Underserved Youth in Cape Town

When Leona failed to earn a high school diploma in Cape Town, South Africa, her prospects for employment were bleak. The teenager spent her days shut inside her tiny one-room family home “feeling like a

Women, the Aging Brain, and Mental Capacity

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 2009 Our June news-email featured information about research on the brain. Because the topic of reduced cognition in aging is the “elephant in the room” of which everyone is taking notice,

Stress and anxiety “Life Hacks”

Do you suffer from occasional anxiety or does anxiety rule your life? Does it feel like anxious thoughts run through your brain with no “off” switch available? Anxiety is a reaction to stress, which is

The Truth Is Out—Aging Can Be Fun

When I taught a class in memoir writing to a group of octogenarians, mostly women, I was amazed to discover how happy they were. Age 55 at the time, I certainly thought of myself as

Make Summer Vacation Last: Break the Student Stress Cycle Now

How can students best use their spare time during their summer break to refresh and renew in preparation for a more successful Fall term?  As a former school administrator, I’ve had a lot of experience

Trying to Be Mindful is Not the Path to Mindfulness

I’d like to personally honor those who sincerely want to evolve greater awareness and develop themselves. However, I’m concerned about—what I consider to be— a misunderstanding that many women have which may cause them to

From Statistician to Exposer of Art Forgeries—Geraldine Norman is the Real Thing

They say you can’t tell a book by its cover. Take Geraldine Norman, a seemingly staid, conservatively dressed English woman whom I met last December in Suffolk, England.  At that time she merely told me

Decreasing Annual Seasonal Depression

Recently, I was reading an article about “SAD”—Seasonal Affective Disorder—and thought how unfortunate it is that people are subjected to depression by their own body’s reaction to the change in season. And, unfortunately for us,

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