See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


Why Wait? LAUGH NOW!!!

Do you want more happiness in your life? Well, who doesn’t!  Do you feel like you need to laugh more? When did you last have a good belly laugh?  As children, we laughed hundreds of

Heartbroken? Heart Disease, New Science, and a Simple Fix

It’s February, so everyone expects a good deal of media coverage on matters of the heart. I’m not one to offer relationship advice but I can address the subject of heart health from a medical

Why Am I Always So Tired?!

Studies conducted in the last 10 years showed that fatigue is one of women’s top five health concerns—and that as many as 45% of women have fatigue resulting from stress. You need to ask yourself

Why Can’t the TM Technique be Taught for Free?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is easy to practice—once properly learned—but it can’t be learned from a book, website or download. The experience of transcending is very subtle and delicate. TM teachers provide very precise instructions

What About Mom Burn-Out?

Every mother naturally wants her child to thrive. These days our society has a way of piling on the pressure to create high-performance children. With that—and the fact of more mothers working outside the home

A New Year, a New Decade, a New Perspective

This month we begin not only a new year, but also a new decade. A decade that—if it continues with the same momentum of the last decade—will most likely prove to be historically pivotal for

Resolutions 101: Fulfilling your good intentions

Four thousand years ago, the ancient Babylonians started a tradition of the celebration of the New Year by making new year’s resolutions. Their new year began when they planted their crops and promised their gods

Worried About the Future? Six Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as worry about something stressful that could happen in the future. And certainly, the 24-hour news cycle gives us a steady stream of things to worry about these days—from the climate crisis

What You Want to Know About TM

Teachers of the Transcendental Meditation technique find that most people, when first hearing about TM, have questions, concerns, and misunderstandings. In this article, we address these points.  What is Transcendental Meditation (TM)? TM is a

Being Woke

Woke is used as a byword for cultural or social awareness. But being woke is dependent on how naturally awake, how aware, how alert you are. Unclouded awareness allows you to be successfully, actively attentive

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