See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


Live Long, Live Well: How to Slow the Aging Process

A Harvard Medical School and Duke University School of Medicine study published in Cell Metabolism in April 2023 found that we can effectively “de-age” after recovering from physically stressful events, such as surgery, severe illness

Women in Technology: an interview

Technology jobs are among the most lucrative and fastest growing in corporate America. However, women choosing those roles often face negative day-to-day experiences and barriers to advancement opportunities. The Transcendental Meditation practice can be a

Boost Your Career and Build Sustainable Success

“Perhaps its greatest benefit is that it’s relatively quick to learn and easy to master. No waiting weeks or months of practice before you see results….” —FORBES (an American business magazine) If you have a

A Strike Against Stroke

Because I have women friends and relatives who have become incapacitated to varying degrees from strokes, I take preventative steps to avert having one myself. There is abundant information on everything about strokes—you have only

Transcendental Meditation Improves Students’ Academic Performance: An Interview with Author Denise Denniston Gerace

Denise Denniston Gerace is a wife, mother, and the author of “The Transcendental Meditation TM Book: How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life.” Denise learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1968, in her last semester of

The Transcendental Meditation Program Heals Effects of Traumatic Stress

One can hardly watch the news today without being heartsick over the level of trauma and suffering born by so many– the poverty-stricken without food, refugees without a nation, and victims of war and violence

Two Women Visionaries Impact South African Youth

In 2012, Dr. Melanie Brown and Marcia Abrahams founded The Communiversity of South Africa, a community-based educational enterprise designed to prepare unemployed, at-risk youth to enter higher education. Due to their complete dedication, creativity, and focus,

Hypertensive? How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally

(excerpted from Blood pressure is a measure of the force against the walls of your blood vessels as the heart pumps blood through the body. High blood pressure (hypertension) damages blood vessels, strains the

Feeling Alone?

“Even the best approximation of proximity can’t contain the infinite, insurmountable distance between people.” — Clare Sestanovich, The New Yorker, August 2023 A few years ago, prior to the pandemic, 36 percent of those responding

TM Meditation Near Me?

Every day, thousands of women and girls search the internet for information about meditation. Sometimes they look for information about meditation generically, being unaware of the distinction between different types of meditation. Sometimes searchers type

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