See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


Choosing to Chill: Mother Nature Responds to our Self-Secluding

Air pollution levels are down around the world. Data on emission reduction since people stopped working and traveling as a reaction to covoid-19 has been reported by the European Space Agency and NASA. Nitrogen dioxide—emitted

Single, Happily Ever After

There’s a difference between married and not married—and there’s also a difference between not married and preferring to be single. Not married means that you’re open to pursuing love interests and dating. Preferring to remain

Rethinking Drinking: How to Reduce an Alcohol Problem

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported in January that the number of women drinking dangerous amounts of alcohol—leading to acute overdoses, or in combination with drugs, or to death—has been rising sharply

From the “Word to the Wise” Department: The Transcendental Meditation Technique Improves Immunity and Reduces Stress

This is a time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty for most of the world. Health, families, careers, finances and well-being are being challenged by the pandemic that, so far, is undermining the safety of our

Peaking into Spiritual Development

Spiritual is the adjective form of the word spirit, which comes from the Latin word for “breath,” which means the thing that animates life. From biology we know that even bits of stem or leaf

Why Wait? LAUGH NOW!!!

Do you want more happiness in your life? Well, who doesn’t!  Do you feel like you need to laugh more? When did you last have a good belly laugh?  As children, we laughed hundreds of

Heartbroken? Heart Disease, New Science, and a Simple Fix

It’s February, so everyone expects a good deal of media coverage on matters of the heart. I’m not one to offer relationship advice but I can address the subject of heart health from a medical

Why Am I Always So Tired?!

Studies conducted in the last 10 years showed that fatigue is one of women’s top five health concerns—and that as many as 45% of women have fatigue resulting from stress. As women, we juggle work

Why Can’t the TM Technique be Taught for Free?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is easy to practice—once properly learned—but it can’t be learned from a book, website or download. The experience of transcending is very subtle and delicate. TM teachers provide very precise instructions

What About Mom Burn-Out?

Every mother naturally wants her child to thrive. These days our society has a way of piling on the pressure to create high-performance children. With that—and the fact of more mothers working outside the home

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