Posts By Janet Hoffman

Composer, Musician, and Singer Jane Pitt: Expressing Happiness Gently in Song and Music

Jane Roman Pitt resides in Asheville, North Carolina, where she is kept busy being a mother, grandmother, educator, singer, composer, author, and TM teacher. She began performing at age 15, […]

The Relationship Between Mortality and Eternity: Transcending Fear of Death

As a child, I was told that every time a year was coming to an end and a new year was about to begin, the “old man” year died, and […]

This Summer, Let TM for Women be Your Travel Guide to the Ultimate Stay-cation

Why do people go on vacation? To get out of their tiresome daily routine, to experience something new, to relax? The Transcendental Meditation technique is a way to take a break from […]

Taming the Wild West: The Effect of Transcendental Meditation on Adult ADHD

In the May 2023 issue of The Atlantic, an article called “Adult ADHD Is the Wild West of Psychiatry” stated: “Nearly 5 percent of adults are thought to have the disorder, but […]

How to Let Your Creativity Soar

“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein Psychologist Rollo May once defined creativity as the act of actualizing oneself. Expressing ourselves in an authentic unique way can take any […]

Pilates, Anyone? A Pilates Master Teacher on How Pilates Works and How Transcendental Meditation Helps

Editor’s note: This interview is not an endorsement by TM for Women of the practice of Pilates, but rather an explanation by a Pilates teacher of the benefits as she […]

Meditation for Depression

Research funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health found that people who used antidepressants had “remission rates of 31 percent after 14 weeks and 65 percent at six months” […]

A Wake-up Call to Government and Education Leaders: The Duty of Society is the Development of Consciousness

Before world-renowned author Aldous Huxley’s graduation from Oxford University with honors in 1916, he wrote to his brother about his belief that higher states of consciousness—as described throughout history by […]

Why We Love to Shop (And What That Has to Do With Meditation)

Some call it “retail therapy.”  A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in 2014 revealed that shopping creates an instant increase in happiness. Like I needed scientific research […]

Keeping Up With Grandma: How Transcendental Meditation Gives Grandmothers the Advantage

I remember both my grandmothers well. One was forever pulling me up onto her lap and smothering me with kisses and hugs, despite my wriggling. The other most often seemed […]

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