Posts By Janet Hoffman

A Strike Against Stroke

Because I have women friends and relatives who have become incapacitated to varying degrees from strokes, I take preventative steps to avert having one myself. There is abundant information on […]

Transcendental Meditation Improves Students’ Academic Performance: An Interview with Author Denise Denniston Gerace

Denise Denniston Gerace is a wife, mother, and the author of “The Transcendental Meditation TM Book: How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life.” Denise learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1968, […]

Two Women Visionaries Impact South African Youth

In 2012, Dr. Melanie Brown and Marcia Abrahams founded The Communiversity of South Africa, a community-based educational enterprise designed to prepare unemployed, at-risk youth to enter higher education. Due to their […]

Feeling Alone?

“Even the best approximation of proximity can’t contain the infinite, insurmountable distance between people.” — Clare Sestanovich, The New Yorker, August 2023 A few years ago, prior to the pandemic, […]

Composer, Musician, and Singer Jane Pitt: Expressing Happiness Gently in Song and Music

Jane Roman Pitt resides in Asheville, North Carolina, where she is kept busy being a mother, grandmother, educator, singer, composer, author, and TM teacher. She began performing at age 15, […]

The Relationship Between Mortality and Eternity: Transcending Fear of Death

As a child, I was told that every time a year was coming to an end and a new year was about to begin, the “old man” year died, and […]

This Summer, Let TM for Women be Your Travel Guide to the Ultimate Stay-cation

Why do people go on vacation? To get out of their tiresome daily routine, to experience something new, to relax? The Transcendental Meditation technique is a way to take a break from […]

Taming the Wild West: The Effect of Transcendental Meditation on Adult ADHD

In the May 2023 issue of The Atlantic, an article called “Adult ADHD Is the Wild West of Psychiatry” stated: “Nearly 5 percent of adults are thought to have the disorder, but […]

How to Let Your Creativity Soar

“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein Psychologist Rollo May once defined creativity as the act of actualizing oneself. Expressing ourselves in an authentic unique way can take any […]

Pilates, Anyone? A Pilates Master Teacher on How Pilates Works and How Transcendental Meditation Helps

Editor’s note: This interview is not an endorsement by TM for Women of the practice of Pilates, but rather an explanation by a Pilates teacher of the benefits as she […]

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