See our blog archive for a complete list of our articles in chronological order.


Tired and Burned Out? Transcendental Meditation Can Help: An Interview with Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

This article was originally published to our blog on November 18, 2018. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, is a popular speaker, author, and teacher specializing in women’s health. Dr. Lonsdorf currently has a private practice in integrative

Ukraine Women At-Risk Learn Transcendental Meditation

I have been meditating since 2009. In these most difficult moments of life, with war in Ukraine, the accumulated internal reserve of peace and the purity of my nervous system have helped me to make

Gun Control and Impulse Control

Every day we hear about gun violence and it’s self evident that something needs to be done. The question in the media is: are people responsible and guns merely proximate causes? (e.g., “Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the person.”) Whether or not we regulate access to guns*, a more fundamental solution is to reduce violent tendencies and deal with the growing lack of impulse control in our society that leads to violence of all kinds.

Introducing Transcendental Meditation: Evidence-Based Holistic Effects from an Effortless Process

The Transcendental Meditation technique (or TM) as taught by the founder of the TM program, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is a simple, natural, scientifically validated practice with a broad body of holistic benefits to all diverse

The Transcendental Meditation Technique: Help for the Bullied

As we know, bullying is not just something that children and teens might have to deal with. Adult bullying is a very real issue. Unlike with children, adult bullying can include giving “the silent treatment”,

A Beginner’s Candid Interview About TM

As a long-time Transcendental Meditation teacher, it is clarifying to get a fresh perspective on the TM program. I spoke with a woman who was very recently instructed in the TM technique in order to

Addressing the Urgent Need of Our Time

REPRINTED FROM OUR MARCH MINI-MAGAZINE Just as we begin to emerge from a two-year global pandemic, we find the world threatened by an escalating war — leaving many of us with a sense of helplessness.

Easy Meditation for Everyone

If you used a search engine to find a form of meditation that is easy to do, it’s probably because you’d heard somewhere that meditation is difficult. Or perhaps you’ve tried meditating and found it

What is a Nurse Worth?

According to a February 15th 2022 article in The New York Times, “Nurses have finally learned what they’re worth.” Both as an integral asset to our health system and as caring health professionals, nurses are

Relationship Problems?: Valentine’s Day Prescription

Feb 12, 2022 (reprinted from February 2021) One day in New York City, I passed a many-windowed bookstore and stopped to look more closely at an unusual window display. There must have been 20 books

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