Posts By Vanessa Vidal

Womens’ Secret Leadership Skill: Compassionate Strength

What would be the impact if women’s voices drove more of the decision-making processes in all fields of life? How would this impact personal, family, and community? How would it […]

Meditation and the Ideally Tranquil Journey into Motherhood

“A mother’s life is the expression of the creative power of nature.” – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Pregnancy, while often sweet and joyful, can also be a time of exhaustion and […]

How to Find Bliss in Everyday Life

“Absolute bliss consciousness belongs to the depths of everyone’s heart.” —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi We all know what it feels like to have a peak experience, an abundance of joy, or […]

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Spiritual Luminary and Scientist

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Spiritual Luminary and Scientist

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began his journey as a seeker of spiritual wisdom and blossomed into the status of a great spiritual leader, foremost Vedic scholar, and scientist of consciousness. After […]

TM Meditation Near Me?

Every day, thousands of women and girls search the internet for information about meditation. Sometimes they look for information about meditation generically, being unaware of the distinction between different types […]

(How to) End Violence Now

In 1967 Abba Eban, an Israeli politician and diplomat, observed that Americans will always do the right thing, but only after they have tried everything else. When it comes to reducing […]

Gun Control and Impulse Control

Every day we hear about gun violence and it’s self evident that something needs to be done. The question in the media is: are people responsible and guns merely proximate causes? (e.g., “Stop blaming the guns and start blaming the person.”) Whether or not we regulate access to guns*, a more fundamental solution is to reduce violent tendencies and deal with the growing lack of impulse control in our society that leads to violence of all kinds.

What is a Nurse Worth?

According to a February 15th 2022 article in The New York Times, “Nurses have finally learned what they’re worth.” Both as an integral asset to our health system and as […]

Hope for Victims/Survivors of Abuse in the Age of Covid19

According to the NY Times column In Her Words, in 2018, domestic abuse cases accounted for about 20 percent of all violent crimes in the U.S. In 2019, more than […]

Peaking into Spiritual Development

Spiritual is the adjective form of the word spirit, which comes from the Latin word for “breath,” which means the thing that animates life. From biology we know that even […]

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