Posts By Linda Egenes

Tired and Burned Out? Transcendental Meditation Can Help: An Interview with Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD
This article was originally published to our blog on November 18, 2018. Nancy Lonsdorf, MD, is a popular speaker, author, and teacher specializing in women’s health. Dr. Lonsdorf currently has […]

Worried About the Future? Six Ways to Calm Your Anxiety
Anxiety is defined as worry about something stressful that could happen in the future. And certainly, the 24-hour news cycle gives us a steady stream of things to worry about […]

What Do You Carry in Your Self-Care Tool Kit?
When deadlines loom, when your kids are fighting, when your best friend moves away—anyone can feel stressed. Yet some women have figured out how to push the happy button instead […]

Five Strategies for Family Caregivers
Some of the sweetest moments of my life happened when my aging parents were no longer able to take care of each other and my sister and I stepped in […]

From the Streets to College in Four Months: The Communiversity of South Africa Empowers Underserved Youth in Cape Town
When Leona failed to earn a high school diploma in Cape Town, South Africa, her prospects for employment were bleak. The teenager spent her days shut inside her tiny one-room […]

The Truth Is Out—Aging Can Be Fun
When I taught a class in memoir writing to a group of octogenarians, mostly women, I was amazed to discover how happy they were. Age 55 at the time, I […]

From Statistician to Exposer of Art Forgeries—Geraldine Norman is the Real Thing
They say you can’t tell a book by its cover. Take Geraldine Norman, a seemingly staid, conservatively dressed English woman whom I met last December in Suffolk, England. At that […]

New Research on TM and PTSD Gives Hope to Female Veterans
Like many female veterans, Fei Fei Chen joined the US Army as a newly minted high school grad to see the world and serve her country. That was in 2001, […]

How to Help an Emotional Teenager
Imagine the perfect situation — you get several years with free room and board, and all living expenses paid. You can spend all of your time learning, exercising, growing, and […]

How to Keep Technology in Balance by Going Deep
Some years ago, my husband and I were teaching a course in the Swiss Alps overlooking Lake Lucerne. One day we were walking on a crowded street in the city […]