Posts By Janet Hoffman

Is the World “Awake?”

Have you heard of panpsychism? It sounds mysterious or a little on the ugga bugga side, but, in fact, panpsychism is simply the view that all things have consciousness as […]

Meditation for Millennial Moms

In 2021, 2,000 women in the U.S. who were between the ages of 25 and 35 were surveyed about their health and wellness experiences. The response from 64% (three out […]

Hot off the Press: A Book that Can Change Your Life

Consciousness Is All There Is is a groundbreaking book that reveals how to simply and profoundly live a life worth living, finding within ourselves the fundamentals of happiness, good health, […]

Transcendental Meditation Improves Memory and Cognition

As our grandparents and then our parents get older, we may witness a decline in their cognitive abilities. A person fortunate enough to live a long life may remain sharp, […]

For Women Who Play Pickleball

Do you play pickleball? Thinking about starting? Some people joke that it’s just a game for old people, but according to statistics, more than two thirds of keen pickleball players […]

Live Long, Live Well: How to Slow the Aging Process

A Harvard Medical School and Duke University School of Medicine study published in Cell Metabolism in April 2023 found that we can effectively “de-age” after recovering from physically stressful events, […]

Boost Your Career and Build Sustainable Success

“Perhaps its greatest benefit is that it’s relatively quick to learn and easy to master. No waiting weeks or months of practice before you see results….” —FORBES (an American business […]

A Strike Against Stroke

Because I have women friends and relatives who have become incapacitated to varying degrees from strokes, I take preventative steps to avert having one myself. There is abundant information on […]

Transcendental Meditation Improves Students’ Academic Performance: An Interview with Author Denise Denniston Gerace

Denise Denniston Gerace is a wife, mother, and the author of “The Transcendental Meditation TM Book: How to Enjoy the Rest of Your Life.” Denise learned the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1968, […]

Two Women Visionaries Impact South African Youth

In 2012, Dr. Melanie Brown and Marcia Abrahams founded The Communiversity of South Africa, a community-based educational enterprise designed to prepare unemployed, at-risk youth to enter higher education. Due to their […]

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