Vote for Peace

Endless wars, relentless fear of terrorism, revived cold wars, and runaway military spending plague our modern American life. With new elections on the horizon, we may wonder how to make choices that will secure a healthy state of peace within our nation and between all nations. It may just be that the first step is to create peace within our self.

Personal peace

A desire for peace among nations is simple and natural but achieving it is a much more complex matter, given the rampant stress in the world. It’s difficult to sustain even one’s own personal peace in the face of overwhelming stress or fear

Dissolving stress and fear is key—it’s fundamental in enabling us to think and act wisely and harmoniously in any given moment. 

Approximately 420 published studies have shown that the Transcendental Meditation practice effectively reduces stress and internal discord while optimizing brain functioning, resulting in enhanced mental, physical and emotional balance throughout the day—allowing us to be our best, most peaceful self at every moment.

Our brain on TM

Research shows that uniquely during Transcendental Meditation our brains become more organized and integrated. This improvement in the function of the brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, is associated with organizing ability, efficiency and peak performance at work, and with increases in moral reasoning, focus, creativity, broad comprehension, proactivity and effective planning.

Increased frontal brain wave coherence during Transcendental Meditation

World peace

Similarly, a build up of stress and fear in society’s consciousness disables our society’s capacity to make the best choices. 

Just as the consciousness of an individual determines the quality of her thought and behavior, the collective consciousness of a family, city, state, or society radiates its own character through propagated ideas and behavior.

How our brain affects others’ brains

EEG readings monitoring coherent alpha and theta brain wave states during the practice of TM show that even non-meditators located some distance away experience commensurate improvements to their own brain wave coherence. Researchers also observed decreases stress and improved wellbeing as indicated biochemically by decreases in cortisol levels and increases in serotonin levels in non-meditators situated geographically near to a TM group. This documentation suggests serious implications for TM as an evidence-based technology for world peace.

At least eleven peer-reviewed studies including two published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution have shown that a small number of people practicing the TM technique have an impact on a much wider number of people around them, resulting repeatedly in reduction in crime, hospitalization, economic upheaval, suicides, accidents, and other indicators of societal stress.

How to “vote” for peace

The preamble to the United Nations Educational, Scientific. and Cultural Organization asserts that “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”

When the polls open, we will all do our part to help create the best America and world for ourselves and our future. By learning the Transcendental Meditation technique, we can start today to create in our minds—in our selves—the highest level of citizenry and the greatest opportunity for personal peace and the peace of humanity.

Start with inner peace: contact your local TM teacher

About the Author

Janet Hoffman is the executive director of TM for Women Professionals, a division of TM for Women in the USA

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