Posts By Janet Hoffman

A Woman Filmmaker’s Perspective on Success: An interview with Jennifer Kachler

When I think of the profession of filmmaking, it seems glamorous and exciting and a wonderful outlet for a creative mind. But I also imagine that a successful filmmaker must […]

Anxious or Depressed About the New Year? How to Live Your Best Life in 2022

In just a week we will be embarking on a new year. Certainly things will change a bit… or a lot… because it is through change that living happens.  How […]

Get Smarter! How to Boost Your Intelligence

It’s commonly known that our brain’s processing ability peaks by the age of 20 and then slowly declines. But more recent scientific research findings have suggested the possibility of raising our intelligence through particular brain-training activities. Two types of intelligence: Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use knowledge, even as we age, that was previously acquired through education and experience. Fluid intelligence, our innate ability to think or reason flexibly, quickly and abstractly does not rely on prior learning or knowledge. It allows us to intuit solutions at a deeper level of the mind’s functioning.

Helping Teenage Girls Who Take on Parental Duties During the Pandemic

In my teen years, my friends and I took advantage of opportunities to make a little money by babysitting for our parents’ friends’ kids. That was a far cry from […]

Pass the Wine or Pass Up the Wine

From “mommy juice” to “alcopops,” alcoholic beverages have become for many women the default response to any occasion. Reaching for a bottle of wine or something harder has become a […]

Find Happiness

It’s completely natural to want more fulfillment, more achievement, more love, more of everything good—and to be happy. Happiness is the brass ring. Unfortunately, countless women say they are not […]

Make Stress and Burnout Obsolete

From the May 8th NY Times “In Her Words” column: Over half of women surveyed in a 2021 CNBC and SurveyMonkey poll said their mental health at work was suffering […]

Rediscovering Girlhood’s Lost Vision

Girlhood is a new nonfiction book by Melissa Febos, an author and professor. In her book, she mourns the innate sense of infinite possibility we experience when we are very […]

Champion of Human Rights: An Interview with Lena Alhusseini

Lena Alhusseini works in the field of human rights and accountability. With an outstanding record of professional commitment to serving populations in need, Lena has been the director of Oregon’s child welfare program as well as the executive director of the Arab-American Family Support Center where she focused on helping domestic violence survivors in the New York City area.

Not Just Pie in the Sky: The Story of a Baking and Business Entrepreneur

When we look back to the past and consider what was historically considered to be the role of women, we usually think of the role of homemaker—a role that would naturally include baking. Today when we think of the role of women, we naturally consider the fact that women now play a significant role in creating a thriving economy. One Canadian woman, Wanda Beaver, combines these two roles—checking both boxes in one stroke.

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