Posts By Ann Purcell

Be Kind—More Important Than Ever in Today’s World
The whole world is hurting these days. People are fearful due to the war in the country of Ukraine and the devastation caused by the recent pandemic. Our politics have […]

Women: Let’s March Onward and Inward in 2018
In 2017 women stepped up in larger numbers than ever before to demand appropriate treatment in the workplace. Although it was sad and troubling to hear these brave women’s stories, […]

Birds of a feather flock together!
Sometimes women love to spend time with women, men with men, just as sometimes children with children, teenagers with teenagers. It’s natural. Can we use that time of getting together with other women to enhance our spiritual lives and to improve the world on a deeper level?
Today women comprise more than half of the workforce in America, and many of those women are also the main caregivers for their family. Coming home at the end of a workday and attending to children, household chores and preparing a meal can be overwhelming. As women, we often put other’s needs before our own, yet taking some time to nourish our self is often the best way to both nourish our family and be most efficient in our responsibilities.
True Beauty
I recently had an interesting talk with my sister-in-law’s niece at a family dinner. She had just come back from six months of traveling in Europe, Africa, and Asia. I asked her what she had learned most from her trip.
Her answer took me by surprise—she said what she learned most was about her relationship with her own body and image. When I asked what she meant, she said she had always been obsessed with how she looked. When traveling around to other cultures, she noticed that teenage girls and women around the world were not as concerned about their looks as women are in America. She started to realize the superficiality of this obsession.