Posts By Rona Abramson

A Closer Look at ‘the Beyond’: Transcending, a Technology of Consciousness

Admittedly, the last place I expected to gain a new insight into the “beyond” was at a fashion exhibit. Yet, when I toured the Charles James: Beyond Fashioni exhibit at the Met in New York City, I was struck with another example of how satisfying it is to explore the “beyond” and dive into the inner world of something. In the exhibit, innovative technology provided a rival exhibit to the traditional display where fashion seemed almost secondary to the process of exploration.

Computerized displays were used to delve deeper into the design process where gowns and other garments were digitally deconstructed to reveal their “architectural underpinnings.” We were led beyond the outer facade of fashion into sequentially more abstract layers of design where principles of fashion and architecture magically seemed interchangeable.

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