Welcome to TM for Women in

West Los Angeles, California

Allow us to introduce you to a certified Transcendental Meditation teacher in West Los Angeles. Please join us for an Introduction, meet your teacher and learn how TM can improve your life.

Contact this center
Center Information

Welcome to TM for Women in Brentwood, Malibu, Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey, Pacific Palisades, Venice

New Women’s Center now open at
2218 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405

Elizabeth Chait
Director/ Certified TM Teacher
(310)999.5319; echait@tm-women.org

Schedule of free/ no obligation introductory talks
Or special appointment

Please RSVP Elizabeth at: echait@tm-women.org or 310.999.5319

Copyright ©2008-2025 Global Mother Divine Organization. All rights reserved. Please refer to legal details concerning copyright and trademark protection.