Welcome to TM for Women in

Las Vegas, Nevada

Allow us to introduce you to a certified Transcendental Meditation teacher in Las Vegas. Please join us for an Introduction, meet your teacher and learn how TM can improve your life.

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Center Information
Transcendental Meditation for Women Center Las Vegas
Transcendental Meditation for Women Center Las Vegas
Transcendental Meditation for Women Center Las Vegas

Hi! My name is Dr. Martha Batorski, and I’m the Executive Director of the Transcendental Meditation Center for Women in Las Vegas. I’ve been a TM teacher since 1975, and have instructed over 450 people of all ages and backgrounds. My doctoral dissertation explored the efficacy of the Transcendental Meditation technique as a means to improve situation awareness capacity to improve decision making under stress in emerging leaders. I am an adjunct professor at Roseman University of Health Sciences in Las Vegas, and guest lecturer at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. You are welcome to attend our introductory presentations and meditation classes ​to learn TM meditation in​ our relaxing and warmly inviting Women’s TM Center. We are located at 500 North Rainbow Boulevard in Suite 300. Meetings are by reservation.

Just complete the contact information and I’ll be in touch, or call our Center at 702-847-5447.​

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