Discover the benefits of TM

Reduction of heart disease
We all know that meditation is a powerful stress-buster, and that when we’re less stressed we’re more emotionally available. But more important, research shows that the TM practice can beneficially impact the three main risk factors for heart disease:
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- and insulin resistance.
Research funded by the National Institutes of Health found that people practicing the TM technique had 50% fewer incidents of heart attack and stroke, compared to controls. Because heart disease is the number one cause of death among women, here’s another obvious case of how TM practice can help ensure you’ll be there for others.
Activating Your “Inner GPS”
Many of our decisions are based on feeling or intuition. Yet stress and fatigue can cloud our mind and block our ability to access our finer feelings and make right decisions. The Transcendental Meditation technique can allow us to awaken more subtle, powerful levels of the mind—the place deep inside us where truth dwells. Even new meditators report that their insight improves and they begin to see more of the bigger picture. It’s as if we’re activating a trusty, built-in navigation system.
After just a few class sessions, students can meditate easily on their own at home, during a break at work—anywhere. Although many women have jam-packed schedules, twice-daily TM practice has become an essential part of their routine.