What is the TM technique?
TM is an effortless self-improvement technique that allows your mind to settle inward, beyond thinking, to experience pure awareness—the most silent and peaceful level of the mind, your innermost Self.
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What does TM do for you?
The technique is practiced for twenty minutes twice-daily, sitting comfortably with eyes closed. Simple, natural and easy to learn, it doesn’t require clearing your mind of thoughts or concentrating. It’s so effortless, within just a few minutes anyone can transcend or go beyond worries and agitation.
During the TM technique, the mind and body gain deep, restorative rest—much deeper than ordinary relaxation, as indicated by indicators including reduced cortisol and plasma lactate (major indicators of stress). The healing rest gained in each sitting of the TM technique allows emotional, mental and physical stress to wash away—improving overall health, well-being and behavior.
More than 400 peer-reviewed studies and scientific reviews have shown that regular TM practice leads to a wide range of personal benefits—decreased anxiety and depression, improved memory and clearer thinking, reduced high blood pressure, decreased illness, longer lifespan and more harmonious relationships.

A meta-analysis of 146 independent studies found that the TM technique is twice as effective at reducing trait anxiety.
Perfect for women
Adding TM practice to your daily routine, morning and evening, more than makes up for the time it takes to meditate. The TM technique refreshes your busy or over-stimulated mind and eliminates stress and fatigue, re-energizing you. Girls practicing the technique do better at school, women become more empowered—in their professions and their day-to-day life.TM practice creates a safe haven within that cannot be replicated in the outside world.
Practicing the TM technique twice daily helps women “regroup within” and multi-task with greater ease and focus. It helps young women deal with challenges and insecurities of adolescence, peer pressure, and self-image. And it benefits women who may be dealing with a serious illness, eating disorders or depression. It is the key to effortless serenity—a respite from the rollercoaster of life and a new avenue for self-improvement and spiritual growth.
When you meet with a TM teacher for an introduction to the program, she will explain the mechanics of the TM technique and answer your questions.